Friday, July 29, 2011

animals being...animals...

if you haven't been to yet, go.  it's hilarious.

this one reminds me of our two dogs, sly and nelson.  i'll let you guess which one is which.

and because every post is better with a picture...if i was a dog, this is what i would be doing riiiiiight abooooout now.



Thursday, July 28, 2011

three for thursday

throwback thursday will return sometime, but i needed a "thinkless" thursday post for today.  i'm wiped after a couple of deadlines and some random stuff that's come up lately.

so, without further ado, i give you three for thursday:

Three excuses:
1. i'm tired.
2. i've got a headache.
3. ignoring the problem in general.  (does that count as an excuse?  i think it does...)

Three favorite children’s books:
1. boxcar children
2. babysitters club
3. HARRY POTTER!!  (which i read as an adult.)

Three things I do differently than my mother did:
1. make my bed in the mornings.
2. clean on a regular basis...whoops.
3. i listen to country music.  i couldn't really think of another one.

Three things I’m waiting for:
1. our fall roadtrip.
2. the heat to go away.
3. to put an offer on a new house...sometime.

Three things I want to be when I grow up:
1. caring
2. creative
3. childish...because i'll never really grow up.

Three things I do because they’re good for me and NOT because I like doing them:
1. working out!
2. cleaning the house.
3. eating healthy.

Three truths about me:
1. i'm almost 5'8", but i wear a size 7 shoe, which i guess it weird.  at least, people tell me that it is.
2. as a commercial designer, i prefer modern, clean lines and contemporary finishes and furniture, but my house looks like 80-year-old's live there.
3. i am a major homebody.  i'd rather be at home watching a movie than out at the bars any weekend.

Three pictures:

i posted this instagram last night, but didn't really explain it.  i won this task lamp from Herman Miller at a work event yesterday.  it's magnetic and randomly, it's the perfect spacing for under my microwave!

my grandpa turned 97 last saturday!  he was laughing that he couldn't get the last candle blown out.

side note: who in the hell let grandpa blow candles out with HIS FREAKING OXYGEN ON!  that is so dangerous.

and i couldn't think of a third one that was relevant, so i went with this photobooth image from our wedding, because it brings a smile to my face.  i love how the girls all have something funny on and the boys just all look drunk.  or super creepy if your name happens to be luke and you happen to have you hand on another man's hip.

oh, and if you're looking for mike, only the top of his head made it into the photo.

Friday, July 15, 2011

five friday faves

or should i say five funny friday faves?

now THAT is a tongue!

Source: via Catie on Pinterest

nelson needs this.

Source: None via Catie on Pinterest

woman power!


i'm an over person.

which are you?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

inspiration workshop with Gussy Sews

this week's inspiration workshop prompt is SUNSHINE.

oh me, oh my, sunshine is a hard one for me, i had to come up with a few different images...  i spent a lot of time in the sun as a kid/teen/college student.  

i lifeguarded and taught swimming lessons for EIGHT years, so i have a LOT of memories of being at the pool. we had a lot of fun at all the pools i worked at, even when it was a bazillion degrees outside, we made it fun.  it was my main source of income through high school and to this day, the smell of a pool is one of my favorite smells in the entire world.

ever since i can remember, we've spent a week at table rock lake in the summer.  my parents now have a cabin there, but we tent camped and stayed in rented cabins throughout my childhood.  there is nothing like seeing the sunrise over the lake as you're going out for a set of skiing.

and speaking of waterskiing, i skied for Kansas State, did you know that?  i'm sure i've told you...right?  well, i did.  i spent 4 weekends in the spring and five in the fall skiing in college tournaments and those are some of my favorite memories from college.  we had way too much fun, got way too much sun and drank way too much beer.  needless to say, i had to quit the team in my second year of design school or i would have never graduated.  *wink*

i'm linking up with Gussy, won't you join in?

Gussy Sews Inspiration Workshop!

throwback thursday: week 20

my beautiful grandmother.

we miss you, grandma.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

wiww - week...i have no idea anymore

i'm majorly failing at what i wore wednesday because it's TO STINKIN' HOT here to care what i'm wearing.

for reals.  it was 111* here on sunday.

i'm begging you to feel sorry for me us.

so, i'm basically wearing whatever makes me the coolest.  which today was a t-shirt and skirt.  comfy and cool!

i should take a photo of my hair down my back, it's getting crazy long.  it almost reached the waistband of my skirt today.

so i made a hair appointment this afternoon.  :)

t-shirt, tank and heels - target.
skirt - thrifted
necklace - found at my grandmother's

the necklace was a bit itchy, so i've got to fix it before i wear it again.  but all in all, a great outfit for a sickeningly hot day!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

saturday night movies

there is nothing that makes me more happy on a saturday night than curling up and watching a great movie.  i think kyle and i should buy stock in netflix and redbox, actually, that'd be a smart move in my opinion.

that's a lie, actually, if it's storming outside, that makes it even better.  in fact, we're watching a movie right now with thunder in the background (and we really need the rain).

speaking of rain, here's a little tidbit from one my all time favorite movies.  pride and prejudice is AMAZING.  all of the version are.  but this one has keira knightley in it and i adore her.

happy weekend, everyone!

Friday, July 8, 2011

five friday faves

for today's edition, i'm sharing a few items on my wish list...

kyle and i have said our wedding present to each other is tattoos, but we have yet to pull the trigger.  this is one of my favorites i've found so far.

Source: via Catie on Pinterest

this coffee cup is awesome!

here's another option i found...

this tape is freaking sweet and would be great for packing up etsy sales!

HELLLLLLOOOOOOO, simon baker!  'nuff said.


wanna know what etsy sales i was referring to?  i finally got off my tukis and opened up my shop.  i currently just have milk glass listed, but am hoping to eventually add more.  be gentle, i haven't finished up my graphics, so the shop is a little bare looking and i'm still working on my photog skills, so there is just one image of each piece.  the good news is...i've already made a sale!  one hobnail vase is flying it's merry little way to my first customer!


Thursday, July 7, 2011

throwback thursday: week 19

my dad and his men on my parent's wedding day.

digging the blue suits, dad!

when my dad found out my wedding colors were light blue and red, he asked if he had to wear this tux again.  my mom told him that he did!

my poor father, he's so tortured by the women in his life.  :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

five friday faves

happy july, EVERYONE!

in this week's edition of five friday faves, we're exploring some home decor projects i'd like to take on.

as if our bathroom and kitchen remodels and finishing up our rental house isn't enough, why not throw in a few other decor projects while i'm at it?!


at least these are pretty simple.

this doily display is the perfect opportunity to use some of my wedding table doilies!

we have a whole slew of these (and just got some more from my grandfather's house) and i loved this the second i saw it!  i'm thinking this may have to be some task lighting for our new kitchen.

we "inherited" our roller blinds with the house.  i have six green and six pink ones.  and this awesome tutorial is going to be a lifesaver for me the second i find some fabric.

we also inherited white trim and i've been trying to convince kyle to let me paint the front room dark.  this might help?

this bed is to die for.  it would totally not fit in our house and kyle wouldn't go for it unless there was a window within two inches of the bed, but i can totally dream, can't i?!?