Thursday, December 24, 2009
merry christmas to all...
Monday, December 7, 2009
but obviously, i am happy enough to do more than one post in a day. i know, a miracle in and of itself.
but these three girls truly made me SO happy tonight! well, techincally, erin made my night last thursday. but kara and anna didn't get their packages until tonight.
let me introduce you to my maid of honor and two bridesmaids! they might kill me...i stole all these pictures from facebook. >:)
Thursday, November 26, 2009
then, i'm heading over to goddard to celebrate with mom, kyle and my little brother. we are going to stuff our faces and bulk up for the "big day" in our family. my parents own an ace hardware and it's BLACK FRIDAY time! lots of good deals, so you should all plan on heading out to goddard to see me!
have a great thanksgiving, everyone!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
crafty goodness
Monday, October 26, 2009
this is why i don't live in a suburb.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
i went and did my shopping today. you all know how much i love target. and coupons. i was told (this is not the first time) that i was a "coupon lady" and that i was "awesome at shopping." i like to hear that. i kind of view couponing as a competition to see how much money i can save myself each week. i saved almost 75% off my entire cart! considering i got a cute sweater for almost full price. (don't tell kyle that one...)
dillons and walgreens on the other hand...not so great to coupon at. i ALWAYS have troubles there! i think it's just the ones i shop at, because kyle's mom always does well at walgreens. maybe i shouldn't go to the one i go to anymore. plus, my dillon's kind of scares me, there are some interesting characters there! there is a dillon's marketplace up at central and rock that i LOVE to go into. it's like walmart only clean and has a way better organic section.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
random friday...once again!
the wichita city center, which i'm a committee member of, had a large fundraising event last night! i'm pretty sure that it went well, but i'm SOOOOO exhausted! it was a masquerade/trivia night/dance/gala thing. anyway. i have some great pictures, but i'm too lazy to upload them right now. so, i guess you'll just have to wait! :)
we finally hung some pictures up in the house! it's starting to look like home, instead of just some place we sleep every night. the boxes are slowly being unpacked...mostly because we haven't been able to get up on the roof.
this unfortunately will be changed because we'll be getting back up on the roof tomorrow morning. boo.
that's probably a good thing though, the sooner it gets done, the sooner i don't have to get up on there any longer.
we've narrowed down our halloween costume! and no, i'm not going to tell you what it is...but i will give you a clue!
i bought a skirt very similar to this one today at old navy (holla, $4.50!! it's 50% extra off of all women's clearance and i had a 10% the entire sale coupon from the website.) it's part of my costume.
let the guessing begin!
Friday, October 9, 2009
finally friday!
i had a really good day at work today. no reason really, but just was a good day. we did find out we got a pretty awesome new project that i'm pretty sure i'll be working on, so i'm pumped about that. all i've been doing lately is answering questions on project i have that are already under construction. not that that is a bad thing, i just am getting kind of bored with doing the same stuff over and over again.
we are finally starting to get stuff put away in the house. which is awesome. except we have a TON of stuff. we have everything that we actually need out and in the open, now it's on to all the stuff that we don't need. but, we bought this bookcase. well...we bought ANOTHER bookcase that matches one that we already bought at target. so now we have two that match and sit right next to each other in the office. pretty sweet. i'm loving it. i do need get stuff put on it, but at least kyle got it all put together. i'm loving it.
it looks like this:
i. love. it.
it's getting close to halloween. and i'm freaking loving it. my mom let me go through all her decorations and take some of them. at least, the ones she could bear to part with. :) so kyle and i decorated the other day. half way anyway. the house is all ready, but not the outside. i want to make these adorable spiders i saw in the the all you magazine. (if you don't get this magazine, you should. it's got awesome coupons and has really awesome craft ideas in it! you can get it pretty cheap on amazon.)
so, i'm going to make this spider. how cute is he? and you use pipe insulation...which i totally have access to! score!
Monday, October 5, 2009
ksu v. isu
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
kind of annoying, because i think i'm a pretty awesome person. people should want to know me. or at least what the heck my name is.
yeah, we haven't unpacked everything, what of it?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
anouncement, anouncement, annnnooouunnnncement!
so head on over here if you're interested...but i'll keep my ramblings to this blog!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
oh, the irony...
i'm watching biggest loser ( name is catie, and i'm addicted to reality television...) and eating ice cream. how SICK is that? totally twisted, right?! i should probably stop and go work out, but it's like a train wreck.
i. just. can't. stop. watching. it.
on a side note: i'm so glad daniel is back. that kid is so inspirational.
maybe i should use some of that inspiration and go to the gym...after i finish this...

Thursday, September 10, 2009
blessings in disguise
for example, i know a lot of women love chocolate. i'm not one of them. WAIT!! hear me out! i LIKE chocolate, but i don't love it. i, personally, am not willing to give up calories on it. i'd rather have chinese food. or french fries...mMmMmMmmmm...french fries....
but i digress.
the point of my post is this; here are five random things that have made me totally and completely happy for no apparent reason whatsoever in the last couple of weeks.
5. k waking me up in the morning. i am NOT a morning person, but at least i have someone to wake me up now. nelson wasn't so great at it. he is kind of lazy, like his momma. :)
4. fall. anything and everything about it. totally my favorite season.
3. ksu football season. even if we suck, i still love it. ksu people really know how to throw a tailgate. and this, obviously, goes hand in hand with fall!
2. playing with my dogs. they love me unconditionally and are always there to cheer me up.
1. fitting into an old pair of pants that didn't fit three weeks ago, even though i haven't changed my diet at all. if anything it's been worse! roofing must be making me buff.
what makes YOU happy?
ps - main reason i don't LOVE chocolate: it gives me migraines when i have too much of it.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
i really try not to get into the whole political and religion thing on this blog. because...well...i really hate it when people try to convince me that they are better than me, just because they go to church every weekend or because they vote a certain way. i like discussions, but just hate it when people get all up in my face and try to force their beliefs onto me. in fact, i love discussions. i think it's the best way to weigh your choices and make good decisions. i love to hear others opinions, as long as they don't expect me to automatically agree with them. i'll listen, and weigh my opinion and decide if i agree with you or not. end of discussion.
so, to reiterate. i hope this is a joke, i'm not trying to force my beliefs on anyone by this post, and please don't judge me by assuming this post means i'm trying to create trouble.
Friday, August 28, 2009
don't have a cow, man.
holy cow! i've really been neglecting posting lately. apologies to my adoring fans. all two of you! :)
so anyway, on to the reason i've been inattentive (okay, that's a lie, i've still be
we've finally started tackling the roof. and it's everything i thought it would be and more. meaning it's completely terrifying, just like i thought it would be.
no, seriously, i kid you not. our roof has a 10/12 pitch, which translates to holy s#!+ freaking steep. in fact, that's why our estimates came in so high (oh, i didn't tell you that we were too cheap to just pay someone to do this? well, now you know) was because of the pitch. in addition, there is, like, NOTHING to hang on to. we have roof jacks, but that doesn't really help me. if i start sliding, what am i supposed to do, grab the person standing next to me? i think not.
so, it's taken me about three weeks to get used to being up there. and being sore. and being hot and dirty. and gross and sweaty. but i'm officially "used" to being up there. for the most part. the other day, i totally tripped over a bundle of shingles and almost fell to my death. but you know, i'm brave like that.
here's the process we go through.
1. rip up old nasty white interlocking shingles.
2. rip up old nasty MOLDY tar paper.
3. hang on for dear life, go down backwards and rip up old shake shingles.
4. shake splinters into a million pieces and you end up digging most of it out of the attic.
5. pull out the nails that were holding the shake on. SIX nails per shingles. yikes.
6. measure and cut new decking. nail to roof.
7. measure and cut new tar paper. nail to roof.
8. measure and cut new shingles. nail to roof (at least we have a nail gun for this part...)
9. move to different part of roof and repeat process. over, and over, and over, and over again.
on to the pictures...the action shots were taken by my mom. she didn't get on the roof, but still ended up hurting her back somehow. oh, we carpenter's really know how to hurt ourselves!
Monday, August 10, 2009
I'm in love with these....
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Random thoughts for a random post.
Danny: Large black coffee.
Barista: Do you mean a venti?
Danny: No, I mean a large.
Barista: Venti is large.
Danny: No, venti is twenty. Large is large. In fact, tall is large and grande is Spanish for large. Venti is the only one that doesn't mean large. It's also the only one that's Italian. Congratulations, you're stupid in three languages.
Danny: Really? Says who? Fellini? Do you accept lira or is it all euros now?

Monday, August 3, 2009
Post Secret of the Week!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
i don't even know...
♥ How long have you been together?
It will be seven years in November. Our official anniversary is Nov. 1st, although we did kind of see each other the summer before that.
♥ Who asked whom out?
We just kind of hung out a couple of nights in Manhattan and just ended up together. We didn't really go on dates until we had been dating for quite a while, we just went to parties and hung out at his house.
♥ Whose siblings do you see the most?
Probably pretty even, my brother lives in Manhattan and his brother lives in KC and neither of them come home very often. Lately his because he was the best man in their wedding last month.
♥ Do you have any children together?
Not unless a cat and two dogs count.
♥ What about pets?
HAH! I knew they'd ask this! We have my cat (Moe) and dog (Nelson) and his dog (Sly).
♥ Did you go to the same school?
We both went to Kansas State. We grew up about 15 miles away from each other, but didn't go to the same high school.
♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Geez, who knows. Probably Chipotle.
♥ Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Not far at all, I think Colorado, like a 12 hour drive.
♥ Who has the craziest exes?
Ummm...I have a real D-bag of an ex and one is really nice. I don't know much about his ex's, but he doesn't talk to any of them on a regular basis.
♥ Who does the cooking?
We both like to cook, but I'm the better one. He mainly just gets in my way while I'm cooking to "taste test" it. :)
♥ Who is more social?
Me. Hands down. He's a homebody.
♥ Who is the neat freak?
He is the CLEAN freak, as in sanitizing. I'm the ORGANIZATION freak as in I need to know where my shiz is or I can't function. But neither of us are neat freaks, you should see our house, it's a mess of boxes because we just don't care enough to clean it up. I'm FINALLY getting him to help me unpack some of the stuff, he's easily distracted unfortunately...
♥ Who is the most stubborn?
Him. I'm always right, so I'm OBVIOUSLY not stubborn.
♥ Who hogs the bed?
UGH, HIM. He rolls over on to me and I have to slap him to get him to move. At least he doesn't snore.
♥ Who wakes up earlier?
He does. He has a 40 minute commute to work and has to be there at 7:15 am. I have a five minute commute and have to be there at 8. I win!
♥ Where was your first date?
A party at the Stoner's house.
♥ Who has the bigger family?
Both of our sets of parents are still together and we each have one brother. We both have large extended families, but his hardly ever gets together all at the same time, mine always does.
♥ Do you get flowers often?
I don't get cut flowers because we both loved potted plants.
♥ How long did it take to get serious?
Not very long, a couple of months I think.
♥ Who eats more?
Definitely him.
♥ Who sings better?
I'm no songbird, but I'm a better singer than he is.
♥ Who does the laundry?
Me. I can't stand the way he does it.
♥ Who’s better with the computer?
Probably both of us in different ways. We both have to work with complex computer systems and programs every day at work, so together we can usually figure stuff out.
♥ Who drives when you are together?
He does. He feels it is the "manly" thing to do.
♥ Who is the first one to admit they’re wrong?
Me. But I also rub it it in when I'm right.
♥ Who eats more sweets?
He does, I'm a salty person and he's addicted to chocolate.
♥ Who cries more?
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sorry, been a little busy if you can't tell!
We are still working on getting the house all cleaned up and ready to go, especially since we have company coming to stay with us this weekend! YIKES!
So, on that note, here's my favorite Post Secret of the week:

Monday, June 29, 2009
utter chaos
We are "officially" moved into the house as we no longer have my apartment to fall back on.
My brother felt the need to borrow my Jeep so we are trading for two weeks. It better come back in one piece!
We got a new fridge. It's awesome. And huge.
I don't like the shower in the new house, so the bathroom will be getting redone VERY soon.
We have internet!
I have a lot of bug bites from my backyard.
Nelson hates the basement of the new house.
We are going on a mini vacation this weekend to my parent's lake house.
That pretty much covers the last couple of weeks I'd say...
Happy July 1st, everyone!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
another giveaway
I'm pretty sure that even if I don't win, I will be partaking in the buying of a few prodcuts, these look so awesome! I'd have to say if I had my pick, I'd get the Black Raspberry Vanilla of the bars:

And for the living room, I'd go with the Zensy warmer.