i would do the work for you, but, let's face it, i'm lazy.
it's a cute little town in the southeast corner of colorado where kyle's parents are from. and currently both sets of grandparents live there. one set is moving closer to denver soon! woohoo! ski time! never mind that we both have cousin's and aunt's that live in and around denver, apparently this thought just came to me after his grandparents decided to move there. durrr...
so, obviously, i won't be doing any black friday shopping this year. which is just fine with me. it's supposed to be SIXTEEN DEGREES in wichita that morning. i'll just shop from the warm and cozy internet, thankyouverymuch.
did you watch GLEE last night? umm, hello, GLEE and WEDDINGS! TOGETHER! lovelovelovelovelove!
my favorite part was "Furt" dancing. that and dancing down the aisle at the wedding. but i can't find a video of it. sad face. who has two thumbs and is pumped for sectionals? this girl!
i really want to make some of these.
tutorial here.
although it probably doesn't take a genius to sew paper, i would need instructions.
i'm so ready to decorate for christmas. i've been cleaning the house up in anticipation. it takes a lot to make me do that. just ask my husband.
in anticipation of my road trip, i bought the newest dan brown book for the car ride, the lost symbol.
i'm sure kyle will get annoyed at me reading my way through the lovely views of western kansas. in the dark. but i'm pretty super excited about it. and he has to forgive me because i'm his wife. and i cook his food. i love dan brown's books. yes, they aren't exactly literary masterpieces, but they are fast paced and easy to read and usually provide some action in them. of course, you are talking to someone who thinks anything that jane green has written is hilariously funny. what can i say, i love trashy novels and jane green delivers! (seriously, i love jane green.) and don't tell me you didn't cry at some point in time during jemima j...you'd be a damn liar if you did. maybe that's just me and my pudgy self feeling sorry for the girl that i can relate to.
can you say "tangent"? anyway, i kind of fell off the reading wagon when i was engaged and planning the wedding. funny how that happens, no?

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