B is for burger of choice: spangles!
C is for the car I drive: 1993 jeep grand cherokee laredo. don't get too impressed, it has no air, over 150K miles and is pretty much held together with jb weld. :)
D i for your dog's name: depends on which dog you are talking about...my chihuahuas (at mom and dad's) are sampson and hallie, my dog i have here at my house is nelson and kyle's dog is sly.
E is for essential item you use every day: soap? i don't know.
F is for favorite TV show at the moment: law and order. as always.
G is for favorite game: presidents and assholes....lol. of course it would be a drinking game!
H is for home state: K to the S
I is for instruments you play: piano, clarinet, some guitar.
J is for favorite juice: pomegranate blueberry. from sam's of course.
K is for whose bum you'd like to kick: my dog, he's being a brat.
L is for last restaurant at which you ate: panera! with megan and jules for lunch yesterday.
M is for your favorite Muppet: grover.
N is for number of piercings: three in one ear, two in the other, and my bellybutton.
O is for overnight hospital stays: tonsillectomy.
P is for people you were with today: umm....everyone at work i guess. and i went to julie's for dinner.
Q is for what you do with your quiet time: sleep.
R is for biggest regret: i don't have regrets.
S is for status: very much taken.
T is for time you woke up today: 5:30, 5:45, 6:00 and 6:15. for real the last time. the dog's were pissed i took so long to wake up.
U is for what you consider unique about yourself: i'm slightly OCD. i guess that's not that unique, but i'm really anal.
V is for vegetable you love: every single one EXCEPT for peas and corn. sick.
W is for worst habit: staying up too late.
X is for x-rays you've had: dental for braces, wrist, arm, leg, ankle. i'm kind of an accident waiting to happen.
Y is for yummy food you ate today: some delish chicken and potatoes that julie and i made.
Z is for zodiac: capricorn. fo 'sho.
join in on the fun if you would like!

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