It might not looks organized to you...but trust me, this is great for me.

26. Recommend someone for a job
27. Get GLA to start recycling more than paper and pop cans
28. Tutor someone taking the LEED exam
57. Meet Little Boy Brunke
82. Sell my clothes that don’t fit on Ebay
85. Plan a shower for someone
88. Frame my K-State Diploma

94. Give money to Telefund 2009 if they call
Self explanatory I'd say...
27. Get GLA to start recycling more than paper and pop cans
We start next month! This wasn't fully my influence, but I complained a lot, along with a few others and we are getting a dumpster for both office and personal use!
28. Tutor someone taking the LEED exam
I have a lot of friends getting ready to take it and I'm glad to help them!
57. Meet Little Boy Brunke
One week after John Issac Brunke he was born, I got to see him!! Can't wait to see him again, and his sister Maddie of course! The Youngers-Brunke crowd had better get ready for some pool parties this summer...
82. Sell my clothes that don’t fit on Ebay
I've made well over $150 and I'm only about half way through my pile! Everything I don't sell, I donate to charity...
85. Plan a shower for someone
We had a wedding shower at work for another interior designer. She works in our Houston office, but interned in Wichita and is from Newton (by Wichita) and she went to college with me. It was fun! We went to Sugar Sisters, one of my favorite places to eat here in 'Ta Town. YUM!
88. Frame my K-State Diploma
I ended up using the thing they give you when you walk, was cheap. :)
89. Frame my LEED Certificate
I bought a floating frame so I could frame both the certificate and the letter I got from GBCI! I LOVE it!
My friend Josie ended up being the one to call me, so OF COURSE I pledged! Sigh...what will I do when I don't know anyone in college any more? I'm getting so old.
SO! I can check those off the list! On to the next set...

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