#91 donate my time to an organization & #93 help out with casino night 2009:
okay, so this may have been kind of a cop out, but i still donated my time...as an alumni staff member of the boys & girls club of manhattan (i worked there for three years in college), i was asked to help out with casino night, the yearly fundraiser. pretty much it's an excuse for all the rich people in manhattan to get together, fake gamble, drink and buy random stuff and it all benefits the kids.
this year was the fourth year i've helped out with CN, and it was probably the best one i've ever done! i actually knew what i was doing and my friend megan and i were told to just boss the other girls around and tell them what to do. which is what we did when we were at the club anyway, so it was a natural transition for us...HAHA!! and most of us alumni staff wanted to hang out afterwards, so naturally we all went to the bars afterwards. you have to know that working with children is stressful. VERY stressful.
i have to admit that alcohol was definitely a release for me when i worked there. not like i was an alcoholic or anything, but i definitely s
pent my fair share of time in aggieville whilst working at the club. it boils down to the fact that that job was so mentally and physically wearing that y
ou have to do something fun and uplifting so you don't end up depressed all the time. i was talking to megan at CN and i said that as much as i loved that job, my new job didn't wear me out as much because i wasn't thinking about the teens i was working with and what they were doing
on friday when they didn't show up for teen night or if their parents had enough money to buy dinner for the weekend or if they were hanging out with their drug dealer brother or whatever it was that was going on at the moment.
here are a few pictures from the night...sorry, none of the actual event, we were too busy making MONEY to take pictures! :)
kyle and i at pats...the best bar in the 'ville. sorry it's blurry, we fixed the camera later...
miss megan and i!
erin and i showed up in the same dress...gosh we're hot.
the "old" crew...myself, logun, ty, erin, chris and megan.
ty and i finishing up the night...he's so photogenic. :) LOVE YA KID!
you can see more pictures on my facebook page. and if you aren't my friend on facebook, why not? am i not "awesome" enough to be facebook friends with you? FINE THEN, I DON'T WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND. jerk.

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