The new year is a great time to declutter and ORGANIZE to tackle the year ahead. Which is why we thought ORGANIZATION would make a great prompt for February. Maybe you already have a share worthy system in place? Maybe you've seen out in the inter-webs the perfect way to ORGANIZE your office or your kids playroom? Or maybe it's a cool device or shelf system to ORGANIZE things just so. Staying ORGANIZED is personal, so share what inspires you to organize your life. Feel free to use your own images, or images you find, just be sure to give appropriate photo credit if you use someone else's photo.
OH, how wonderful this inspiration workshop will be for me! i'm SLIGHTLY obsessive compulsive. ;)
i used to be way worse, trust me. i've mellowed out a bit now that i'm married to my very much NOT ocd husband. but i still love to organize pretty much everything in fact, i even have an entire pinterest board dedicated to "ocd goodness" which pretty much consists of anything and everything organized.'s beautiful!
here are a few organization tips that i'm hoping to use when we've got everything moved into our new house....
here are a few organization tips that i'm hoping to use when we've got everything moved into our new house....
these DIY balsa wood drawer dividers are awesome for so many reasons.
1. they remind me of studio in design school.
2. they are pretty dang cheap. and
3. they are such an EASY way to organize anything EXACTLY the way you want it to be!
i am in love with this craft organizer. jars make me smile and the twine upside down twine holders are genius. this would be a simple upgrade to any crafting space, large or small.
jen over at tater tots and jello wrote some great organization ideas, tips and DIY projects for the bathroom over at the new home ec. she has such fabulous ideas that make organization look so PRETTY! ;)
while you are over there, make sure to check out her 15 kitchen tips as well. you won't regret it!
speaking of kitchens, i've been drooling over this organized kitchen for ages. i'm pretty sure i've shown you this one before, but it's TOTALLY WORTH REPEATING! it's that stinkin' awesome!
another swoon worthy organization tip are these definition labels. what's not to love about them?
fonts: good. words: good. organization: GOOD.
all together: GOOOOOOOD!
does that remind anyone of this?
ross: "it tastes like feet!"
Joey: "i like it!"
ross:"are you kidding?"
joey: "what's not to like? custard, good. jam, good. meat, goooooooood!"
oh, joey, you get me every time.
oh, joey, you get me every time.
join us for inspiration workshop!

I just organized all my craft supplies and I find myself using them so much more!
ReplyDeleteLove that cabinet with the yellow wall!