Tuesday, February 28, 2012

radio silence

i'd just like to apologize for the silence you've seen on my blog lately....i'm going to blame it on three things.

first, my car wreck has been a big pain in the butt. researching and finding a place to get it fixed, getting a second opinion on the estimate and now i'm finally scheduling a time to take it in. WHEW! at this wasn't even my fault!

 second, this lovely series had me enamored for about a week. seriously, i hardly ever put my ipad down, i was reading it CONSTANTLY!

i already loved the movies, but reading the books is a whole new ball game. loved it and can't believe i held out that long! i'll be honest, it was a valentine's day sale that did me in, the first one was on sale and after that, i had to have the rest of them.

and THEN! OH! OH! AND THEN! i bought this series! holy. moly. i. loved. every. second.


if you haven't read these, go and buy them now. suzanne collins does not disappoint!

now i can't WAIT for the movie to come out!

so, now that i'm coming out of my book coma, i hope to post some updates soon.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

inspiration workshop with gussy sews: ORGANIZATION!

This week's prompt is {ORGANIZATION}:
The new year is a great time to declutter and ORGANIZE to tackle the year ahead. Which is why we thought ORGANIZATION would make a great prompt for February. Maybe you already have a share worthy system in place? Maybe you've seen out in the inter-webs the perfect way to ORGANIZE your office or your kids playroom? Or maybe it's a cool device or shelf system to ORGANIZE things just so. Staying ORGANIZED is personal, so share what inspires you to organize your life. Feel free to use your own images, or images you find, just be sure to give appropriate photo credit if you use someone else's photo.


OH, how wonderful this inspiration workshop will be for me! i'm SLIGHTLY obsessive compulsive. ;)

i used to be way worse, trust me. i've mellowed out a bit now that i'm married to my very much NOT ocd husband. but i still love to organize pretty much everything in sight....in fact, i even have an entire pinterest board dedicated to "ocd goodness" which pretty much consists of anything and everything organized. sigh...it's beautiful!

here are a few organization tips that i'm hoping to use when we've got everything moved into our new house....

these DIY balsa wood drawer dividers are awesome for so many reasons. 
1. they remind me of studio in design school. 
2. they are pretty dang cheap. and 
3. they are such an EASY way to organize anything EXACTLY the way you want it to be!

i am in love with this craft organizer. jars make me smile and the twine upside down twine holders are genius. this would be a simple upgrade to any crafting space, large or small.

jen over at tater tots and jello wrote some great organization ideas, tips and DIY projects for the bathroom over at the new home ec. she has such fabulous ideas that make organization look so PRETTY! ;)

while you are over there, make sure to check out her 15 kitchen tips as well. you won't regret it!

speaking of kitchens, i've been drooling over this organized kitchen for ages. i'm pretty sure i've shown you this one before, but it's TOTALLY WORTH REPEATING! it's that stinkin' awesome!

another swoon worthy organization tip are these definition labels. what's not to love about them?

fonts: good. words: good. organization: GOOD.
all together: GOOOOOOOD!

does that remind anyone of this?

ross: "it tastes like feet!"
Joey: "i like it!"
ross:"are you kidding?"
joey: "what's not to like? custard, good. jam, good. meat, goooooooood!"

oh, joey, you get me every time.

join us for inspiration workshop!

Gussy Sews Inspiration Workshop!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

a case of the mondays

(just a word of warning, this post got very wordy very quickly.)

yesterday was a such a weird day. it was truly a case of the mondays. and i'm not really one to complain a whole lot.

okay, that's a lie. i complain. i just usually complain to my husband because he can't escape me being annoying it doesn't bother him.


have you ever had one of those days that is so bad that it's actually comical? like it belongs on a sitcom or something? my day started out bad and pretty much just got hilariously worse from there.

we slept in a little, even joked a couple of times about "calling in sick" because we didn't want to go to work. (hey, it was monday.) but we finally got up and around and i left a little later than usual. i was driving our ford escape because our road is messed up from rain and our road grader doesn't know how to fix it is closed. we live a quarter of a mile off of a paved road, and since it's very muddy from recent rains i had to drive something that was 4 wheel drive.

i made it halfway to work before i posted this on my facebook feed:

that would be my extremely muddy escape in the foreground and the girl who hit me's car in the background. and a cop car.

oh joy.

after that mess was cleaned up and i was able to go to work, i had a fairly normal day at work. lots of talking to the insurance and explaining what happened but other than that, actually working. normal stuff.

i started to get sore, so i got a doctor appointment for the afternoon and left early to go get checked out. i left with some supplements and instructions to help me ease some of the soreness (i have whiplash, but just soreness other than that.)

i called kyle and headed home. about halfway there, i get a call from an insurance adjuster who wants to look at the car. i give him directions to our house and call kyle to warn him that the guy was coming that night to look at it.

oops. remember i said i needed 4 wheel drive? yeah. me neither. kyle reminded me and i called the guy back to see if he had it. nope. SO, we go into town to meet him. he looks at the car, cuts us the check and we're on the way back home. now THAT i cannot complain about. other than driving to town (2 miles) that's pretty awesome same day service.

so we get home, i made dinner while kyle works on the escape a bit. he basically took the bumper off and beat it into submission so i could at least get the hatch open if i wanted to.

kyle had mentioned making sure that we didn't have anymore birds in the attic. (what? i didn't tell you that story? uh, yeah, we found a couple of dead birds in the attic. well, the cat did anyway.) so i had ran up a couple of days before and low and behold there is a dead bird up there. i left it for him to clean up.

i am SO the wife of the year here.

so last night he asks me if i had picked up and i tell him that i hadn't. he goes up to check it out and i hear some noises from the first floor (the attic is technically our third floor) and i run up the stairs to see what the matter was and he says, "there's a bird up here!"

well, duh, i TOLD you there was one up there. "yeah, i know."

"no, a live one!"

oh, crap, i'm outta here!

he hands me the poor dead bird and i start to take it downstairs all the while complaining about the fact that i'm holding a gross dead bird. i grab him an old towel to catch the live bird with and he heads back upstairs to catch it while i clean up the kitchen from dinner.

and i honestly wish i had video of what transpired next...

kyle was still upstairs looking for the bird and i heard a noise in the living room. i called out for him thinking he was trying to put some shoes on to go outside or something. he didn't answer so i started walking across the dining room and into the hallway that leads to the living room and i saw our cat's tail. i keep walking and asking the cat what the heck he thought he was doing and i see the bird about a foot away from him laying on the living room floor.  

the bird had somehow made it all the way to the first floor and mow (our cat) was playing with it! then when i asked mow what he was doing and distracted him, the bird which had apparently been playing dead, looked at me then looked at mow and then flew off! it landed on the curtains in our office (which is connected to our living room) and mow was trying to scale them to get to it. when i walked in the office to get mow (all the while, i'm screaming at kyle that the stupid bird is DOWNSTAIRS) the bird took off and went between the couch and the wall in the living room. i ran upstairs to tell kyle that it was down there and he totally thought it was in the attic the whole time the cat was playing with it! 

it was hilarious!

the bird was stunned, but not dead. kyle took him outside and he flew off. i have a feeling that he won't be coming into our attic again! :)

if you made it to the end of this story, you are officially one of my new best friends. thanks for listening to my ramblings!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

currently coveting

since i have yet to hang my full length mirror in the new house, barring me from posting any outfit pictures for WIWW. (not that i've worn anything inspiring in the past couple of weeks...) i thought i'd try a new one tonight.

it's going to be random.

but let's be honest, i'm sort of a random person.

moving on....

Source: etsy.com via Catie on Pinterest

how sweet is this kansas cutting board? i'd have to move my heart a little to the west and the south so it was centered on manhattan. or maybe wichita. :)

you want to talk about coveting? THIS IS THE DEFINITION OF COVETING FOR ME! i've been seriously frustrated with my nike+ lately. the stupid thing is telling me i've run a whole fracking mile less than i really have. i've googled it, supposedly it's because i don't wear the nike shoes. well, nike, make a stupid shoe that i can fit into and i'd wear them!

anyway....the fuel band looks pretty damn sweet. i really want one. i really don't want to pay $200 for one. visit here for more information on this one.

i'm on the lookout for an old dress form. luckily for me, my mom is coming down in a couple of weeks and we're heading out to a highly recommended antique mall out in the sticks, so i'm hoping to find one out there. fingers crossed!

if you don't know what this means, go here and listen. and then go here and fall in love with zac brown.

and then go here and buy one.

for me.


Source: zazzle.com via Catie on Pinterest

and while you're feeling generous, i'll take one of these, too.

sorry, you gotta be a architecture nerd to get that one.

hey, it's officially past hump day now!

hooray for it almost being the weekend!