another edition of what i wore wednesday! think time i got most of the work week at least.
linking up to lindsay over at the pleated poppy. even though it's pretty late here, i got it done before midnight i suppose. :)
aqua tank under - target
red and cream tank - target, it's new!
cream cardi - so not new from target. like when i was in high school not new.
trousers - jc penneys
necklace - jc penneys
heels - same snakeskin aqua heels from last week. thirfted. LOVE THESE SHOES!
i had a pampered chef party at my house wednesday night, so i threw on some jeans and flats for the party. did not have enough time to snap a pic, sorry.
shirt under - originally gap, thrifted by me
short sleeved sweater - target
beaded necklace you can barely see - estate sale
black pants - maurices
horrible placement of the mirror was to avoid you seeing my massive pile of laundry. i wore plain black heels that day. :)
button down shirt - walmart. it shrank and i'm pissed. or maybe i gained ten pounds, i don't know.
cardigan - target, it's new! and soft.
necklace - jc penneys
skinny jeans - target
boots - piperlime. i have a feeling you'll see these often.
how cute are these boots? i love that commercial! |
saturday and sunday we spent working on the rental and our own house. pretty much just think of the rattiest jeans you own, times it by ten and that's what i wore. and pjs.
i tried taking pictures with my iPod. not much better. but i'm buying a new camera this week! yay!
turtleneck - gap
white tank under - target clearance rack
black pinstripe trousers - maurices
black heels - target
necklace - premier party
earrings - target
tuesday - bad hair day
tunic shirt - jc penneys
belt - target clearance. i love this belt, so comfy!
necklace you can't really see - famous footwear
grey trousers - maurices
black heels - target
in conclusion, i would like to note the following things:
1. my diet does not appear to be working. better up the cardio. to, you know, actually doing cardio.
2. my hair looks one million bajillion times better actually styled than in a pony tail.
3. i wear a lot of the same pants. this could be due to number 1.
4. it's time to buy the camera i've been putting off since kyle told me it was my birthday present.
my birthday is in decemeber.

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