but, can i just say that i absolutely-without-a-doubt, freaking, fraking HATE these things!?!
with a serious passion.
becaaaaaaaaaaause, of this.
see that right there? that annoying little red box?
so, in all honesty, this one isn't that bad. but i can hardly EVER get these things right on the first time. obviously, i didn't get the one previous to this right the first time. i wish i had a screen shot of THAT one.
all i want is my free facebook marketing guide, people. because i think our little IIDA page could use this. and i'm supposed to be in charge of updating it (along with a few other people), and it's not really doing as well as i thought it would. apparently interior designers in the wichita area are not fans of facebook. or twitter.
does it REALLY matter all that much if i can decipher stupid little words on a computer screen? does it free facebook marketing guide giveawayers?
i need some junk food. stat.
is it just me? am, i just prove-to-me-you're-a-real-person-not-a-computer-thingies retarded?

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