Wednesday, August 25, 2010

engagement pictures

i know i'm way late getting these up here, since i've had the cd for like...oh...6 months?  i dunno, it's been a while anyway.

here's our engagement pictures!  we had a blast taking them.  even kyle opened up a bit and SMILED.  now that never happens.  or at least rarely happens.  in photos.  i mean he smiles in real life all the time, just not in photos.  i'm glad our package included engagement pictures, it was a great way to get to know our photographer before the wedding and see how she works and so she can get to know our personalities a little.

all photos by jackie cooper, check her out at

i think this is one of my favorites.  i look like i have a secret or something...

jackie appeased us by letting us bring along the brats.  look at sly, such a model.

i love this one!

we had an impromptu shoot at the house when we went to change.

i heart sun flare!

another favorite.  we are hoping to get one just like this during the wedding with all the guests in the background!  i can't wait to see that one!

doesn't it look like he likes me or something?!?  :)

this is over by my work, so i threw this one in there, and i love that necklace that i happened to find at my grandparents house the last time i was there.

LOVE!  peaks of the exploration place, looking into the future, and the colors look amazing in this.  it was almost pitch black when she took this, but i love it anyway!

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