Tuesday, January 24, 2012

monday update

happy monday, everyone!

how was your weekend? do anything fun?

kyle and i drove out west with my in-law's to his grandfather's 80th birthday party this weekend. it was a short trip, less than 24 hours, but it was still a good time. i think any time spent with family is a good time!! *wink*

since we left a little early on friday afternoon, i took a day off work and enjoyed some solitude in the house while kyle went into work. i spent the morning doing laundry, catching up on some house cleaning (i'm the worst at this) and finally getting around to printing and photographing a few of my printables for my shop.

and of course i made a target run! it's just not a good week without a target run. ;)


i LOVE how they turned out! i didn't get to use my "good" camera for these...since...um....my battery is dead and i couldn't find the charger. no worries, i found it after to took some with my little point and shoot camera. not too bad for a little point and shoot if i do say so myself!

printable calendar - only $3!!

this one is my favorite!! i left it in the frame and hung it up in my studio as a little reminder to love myself when i need it. ;)

i love how you can see my guest bed in the frame. that's the bed i mentioned in my IW post last week!

i hope everyone's week is off to a great start!

happy monday!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

7 pretty things on a sunday

today i'm linking up with 7 lovely ladies for 7 pretty things on a sunday...

[1] i'm adoring these sparkly bow flats from elle japan.
[2] this outfit from fine and feathered is adorable. i need those boots!
[3] WHAT!?!? a mattifying top coat? awesome!
[4] one of my favorite sayings. ever.
[5] how gorgeous is this art from jill ricci?
[6] house of smiths shows us that even a pantry can be pretty!
[7] i can't get over how cute this kitchen is with the DP bottles all along the top of the cabinets. retro goodness everywhere!

are you linking up?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

inspiration workshop with Gussy Sews

inspiration workshop is BACK!

hip hip, hooray!!

This week's prompt is {BEDROOMS}:
It's the New Year! And what a great time to be inspired by your living space. Whether you live alone or have a family, BEDROOMS are the space people spend most of their time and often decorate to make their own. Whether your space is comfortable, modern or kitchy, it needs to be inspired to be you. Feel free to share your BEDROOM space, or BEDROOM spaces that inspire you. Maybe it's a really amazing bed frame, night table, or the coziest bed linens you've ever seen. Or a baby's nursery, a child's bedroom or guest room. Share what inspires you for a BEDROOM space. Remember, if you use someone else's photo be sure to give proper photo credit :}


we have three bedrooms in our new house (i promise, i'll get around to doing a photo tour tab soon...fingers crossed!) and i have never had such a hard time finding STUFF to put in a room! they look so naked right now, every room needs to be "dressed" i suppose and i needed a kick in the butt to find some inspiration. so, here goes nothing!

Source: google.com via Catie on Pinterest

my craft room is in the same room as one of our guest beds. i am extremely lucky to have had the pleasure of growing up in an old iron bed very similar to this one. the problem is, 3-year-old catie decided to "decorate" her bed with some crayons. there are also quite a few chips in the paint and the knobs were all sprayed a really bright brass, so i'm hoping this summer sometime to clean it as well as i can and spray paint the entire thing. i'm thinking possibly a fun color? we'll see how that project progresses!

i love everything about the photo, the casual quilt draped and the gorgeous bed. love it all.

our master bed is in this really odd little bump out in the room. our bed JUUUUUUST fits inside it. which means we have no room for bed side tables. for a reader like myself, this is unacceptable. i've been looking for ideas all over pinterest on how to solve this problem. so far, my favorite shelves are these.

are you pro headboard or against them at all costs? i think my husband would rather slit his wrists than have a headboard on the bed, he's THAT against them. i'm hoping something like this upholstered headboard from sawdust and embryos will win him over.

in addition to our two guest bedrooms (slash craft room) we have a semi-finished attic. semi finished meaning there are stairs up to it and someone went a little cray cray with the sponge painting and the wall paper. and there are random holes in the drywall. that birds somehow get through.

but that's neither here nor there.

i'd love to be able to do something similar to this in the "wings" of the attic, what kid wouldn't want a fun attic to have sleepovers in?

the bonus is i might stay sane during a future sleepover. (HAH!)

Source: etsy.com via Catie on Pinterest

i have an unadulterated love for all things scrabble. (anyone want to play words with friends!?!?!) and these pillows are going to have to go somewhere in my house.

like, yesterday.

and while we're on the subject of pillows, i had to share these pillows. they made me giggle for about ten minutes straight.
my husband, a non-shaver in the winter months, did not find them that funny.


i'm linking up with:
Gussy Sews Inspiration Workshop!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

weekend update - the shop!

just a few updates i wanted to share here on le olde blog...

i've officially gotten up off my rump (or on it, seeing as how it required a lot of computer time...) and updated my etsy shop!  i cleaned out the christmas printables and updated with a few new ones...

a couple of printable mini desktop calendars...

a few that just make me happy to think about...

and added my very first wedding invitation suite!  i'm still working on a few other wedding invites to get listed, but i'm very excited to be offering these printable and customizable wedding invite suites for brides-to-be that want something a little different, but just aren't quite sure how to achieve it.

this wedding suite is aptly named after a very brave girl named sarah, who hired me simply by word of mouth.  many thanks to my friend megan mcgraw (check out her design blog...like candy for the eyes!) who was sarah's matron of honor and gave sarah my information, which made these true labor of love invites come to life!


in addition to updating the shop, we worked hard yesterday getting our rental house closer and closer to ready to list!  it's been exciting to see the progress and i'm happy to be actually putting some paint on the walls in the next couple of weeks!  we also moved a few things from the wichita house out to our new house and now we're enjoying a lazy sunday watching football and napping (that would be kyle...) and i'm working on a few new printables for the shop, catching up on my ever expanding google reader list, reading a favorite book (harry potter and the deathly hallows) and checking my favorite celebrity tweets.  ;)

happy weekend, everyone!

Friday, January 6, 2012

five friday faves

it's a new year, which for me....seems to always mean a time of renewal.  i feel like it's always a fresh start.  of course, i'm always a year older seeing as how my birthday is dec. 31st, so maybe that has a bit to do with it.

whatever it is, i'm always happy to start a new year!  i've never been much of a resolution maker (resolutioner?  person who makes resolutions?  whatever.  you know what i mean.)  i feel like people that make resolutions tend to break them in the first week, so i don't want to be that kind of person.  those people are quitters.

and a quitter, i am not.

this year, i'm jumping on the "word" bandwagon.  instead of a resolution, you come up with a word that describes what you want to accomplish in 2012.

drum roll, please................

my 2012 word is: 

in·vig·o·rate verb \in-ˈvi-gə-ˌrāt\

transitive verb
: to give life and energy to : animate; also : stimulate
i LOVE that invigorate can mean so many things with just one word!  i can invigorate my relationships - be a better and more exciting person.  i can invigorate my workout - finally run that 10K i've been talking about for....oh....ten years?  i can invigorate MYSELF - simply put more LIFE into my LIFE.

that's my favorite one, i'm going to invigorate myself. it's not the end of the world if i miss that tv show because i want to finish up that last chapter of the book i'm reading.  it's definitely not the end of the world if i'm five minutes late to work because i felt like going another five minutes during a run.  that's what the lunch hour is for.  to make up that five minutes.  it's time to start living for me, my family and my friends.  
because that's what truly matters in life!

my five friday faves are just a few examples of how you can invigorate your life, and how i plan to invigorate mine this year!

Source: tumblr.com via Catie on Pinterest

what are you planning on doing in 2012?  i'd love to know!

and, yes, i did just quote harry potter.


whudda ya gonna do about it?