my bathroom. complete with a broken toilet seat...i probably should call maintenance, but i've been to lazy so far.

view one of the bedroom. yeah, that's scooby doo, i may be almost 25, but i'm
still 2 at heart. and that red table will move eventually, i'm going to shorten it and make it into my coffee table.

view two of the bedroom...and one of the two parts of the apartment that still need organized. whoops!

dressing room/amazingly huge closets. the main reason i rented this apartment. :)

further back from the closet so i can show you nelson's little part of the apartment. lol.
the living room. and aley, my friend anna's dog that i'm dog sitting while she moves to NYC and finds a place to stay.
the front door, the awesome entertainment center i bought on craig's list, aley's crate and for some reason i still haven't found a place for my snowboard....at least it matches my red and black living room!

the dining room and the other part of the apartment that still needs cleaned. lol. oh, and if you haven't seen him yet, that's my dog nelson with his new haircut.

kitchen. boring and pretty small.

what you see when you walk in the front door. i really wanted to buy something that made me really happy and that i could remember with the money my grandparents gave me for graduation, so i bought that antique dresser for my entry way. it still needs sanded and polyurethaned, but i love it!
and that's it! it's small [although lots bigger than my old place] but i love it!
What a great place1 Love the bathroom and your bedding. And Scooby doo matches - I wouldn't worry about it. (Wait - is the bedding also Scooby Doo? It doesn't look like it in the pics, just the pillows.) And I LOVE that dresser. Looks like a perfect catch-all.